Human civilization levels
. 2min read

Hi friends 🖖; Everyone, especially Age of Empires enthusiasts 😉, has already heard about the archaeological periods that have marked our civilization. Thus the Stone Age characterizes the prehistoric period when men made various stone tools, the Bronze and Iron Age marks the mastery of metallurgy, the colonial period refers to the establishment of contact with the New World etc. However, there exist also similar classification, but on a more macroscopic scale....

The Zoo hypothesis
. 2min read

On a remote island on the Indian coast called North Sentinel, lives a native tribe of about 200 people. According to the estimate of some scientists, the Sentineles have been living on this 72 km2 piece of land for thousands of years, and their way of life has hardly changed since then. There has been very little contact with us (as in this short video where men offer them coconuts) as they refuse all approaches and kill anyone who ventures on their land....

Astronaut, the only job whose name is nationallity dependant
. 2min read

You may have noticed in the media that spacemen are called different names depending on their nationality. Thus the term astronauts are reserved for the American space travellers, cosmonauts for the Russians, spationauts for the French/Europeans, taikonauts for the Chineese and vyomanauts for the Indians. Even if only the first two are officially recognized, it is customary today that space powers show a particularly strong patriotism when it comes to naming their spacemen....